2019 Trinidad & Tobago Carnival Results

Carnival Categories

Panorama 2019
Junior Panorama 2019 - Primary Schools
1273Guaico Presbyterian SchoolIron Love - N.Blackman/M.Teja/A.SoverallKayle Noel
2268St. Mary's Government Primary SchoolHookin' Meh - Darryl 'Farmer Nappy' Henry/Nadia Batson/E. George/S. Galt/M. HulsmeierAquil Arrindell
2268St Margaret's Boys Anglican SchoolHulk - Dexter 'Blaxx' StewartCarel Taylor/Akeem Larrier
Junior Panorama 2019 - Secondary Schools
1278Naparima Girls High & Naparima College (Naparima Combined)No Weapon - LFS MusicShaquille Vincent/Desree Seecharan
2277El Dorado East SecondaryIron Love - N.Blackman/M.Teja/A.Soverall 
3273Bishop’s Anstey High SchoolIron Love - N.Blackman/M.Teja/A.SoverallAnders Koppel Øvre
Junior Panorama 2019 - Elite (21 & Under)
1273Shell Invaders YouthMadness - Aaron 'Voice' St.Louis/David RudderMembers of Invaders Youth Steel Orchestra
2269Massy Trinidad All Stars YouthMadness - Aaron 'Voice' St.Louis/David RudderKygel Benjamin
3268BP Renegades Youth Steel OrchestraIron Love - N.Blackman/M.Teja/A.SoverallAndrew Charles
Single-Pans Bands 2019
1283San Juan East Side SymphonyIron Man - Aldwyn 'Lord Kitchener' RobertsCarlan Harewood
1280Shades In SteelBoth Ah Dem - Dr. Slinger 'The Mighty Sparrow' FranciscoDante Pantin
3274T&T Fire ServiceMystery Band - Aldwyn 'Lord Kitchener' RobertsTerrance 'BJ' Marcelle
Small Conventional Bands 2019
1286T&T Defence ForceMaxi Dub - Leston PaulDuvonne Stewart
2283T&TEC New East Side DimensionHello - Kes the BandKersay Ramsey
3280Golden Hands Steel OrchestraHigh On D Music - Vanessa HeadleyVanessa Headley
Medium Conventional Bands 2019
1282Pan EldersThe Will - Irwin 'Scrunter' Reyes JohnsonDuvone Stewart
2276KatzenjammersStranger - Winston 'Shadow' BaileyTerrance 'BJ' Marcelle
3275NGC Couva JoylandersFire In The Area - Lennox Picou/Winsford Devine/ Leston Paul & NY ConnectionStefon West
People's Choice: Courts Sound Specialists of Laventille
Large Conventional Bands 2019
1288BpTT RenegadesHookin' Meh - Darryl 'Farmer Nappy' Henry/Nadia Batson/E. George/S. Galt/M. HulsmeierDuvonne Stewart
2285WITCO DesperadoesIron Love - N.Blackman/M.Teja/A.SoverallCarlton 'Zanda' Alexander
3284Massy Trinidad All StarsSo Long - N.Batson/E.George/S.Galt/M.Hulsmeier/D.HenryLeon 'Smooth' Edwards
People's Choice: Nutrien Silver Stars Steel Orchestra

King & Queen of Carnival 2019
King of Carnival 2019
1Joseph LewisGhelgath - The Demon Lord of IceAntourage Production's - The Hidden Beauty407
2Tekel SylvanA Peacock Becomes The Windows Of The UniverseMoko Somokow’s - Palace of the Peacock404
3Ted EustaceWhat Lurks In The NightPaparazzi's La Belle Epoque402
Queen of Carnival 2019
1Shynel BrizanMariella, Shadow Of ConsciousnessMoko Somokow’s - Palace of the Peacock411
2Roxanne OmaloSolar Goddess Of The SkyAntourage Production's - The Hidden Beauty407
3Savitri HolassieNight Of The Chameleon QueenAntourage Production's - The Hidden Beauty402

Junior Carnival Mas 2019
TT Red Cross Society (TTRCS) Children’s Carnival 2019
TTRCS - Babes in Arms
1Anne Bonny South Side of Buccaneer's CoveJlayna Armstrong
2Swirling Sea FoamAsia-Leigh Allen
3The Enchanted Princess of the FairiesReign Noreiga
Most Original Costume: ??? - Buck in De Bush
TTRCS - Boys 3 to 5
1Reflection of a FiremanJ'vion Moses
2Puff the Friendly DragonAaden Nero
3An Emperor's FantasyXavi Harriot
Most Original Costume: Leandro Laulys' Handmade in Brazil
TTRCS - Girls 3 to 5
1Princess of the Comanche TribeArya Sammy
2Dance Burrokeet DanceJulia Weekes
3Fire RasAriandé Augustine
Most Original Costume: Sophia Carvalho's Recycle Party
TTRCS - Boys 6 to 9
1Samba BatucadoEnzi Davis
2The Twin Headed DragonKal-El Mohammed
3Trini MagicianShomari Olivierre
Most Original Costume: >Nicholai Williams' Defender of the Amazon
TTRCS - Girls 6 to 9
1Peppermint PattyChloe Mendez
2Goddess of Kuan Yin TempleAmirah Jemmott
3BottlemaniaJayla Penco
Most Original Costume: Victoria Carvalho's Save the Beauty of the Caroni Swamp
TTRCS - Small Bands
1For the Love of CalypsoFuntime Mas Productions
2De Spirit of ParaminParamin RC School
3TT Sweet Fuh So!Rose Mary Perkins
Most Original Costume: Bits and Bites' ???
TTRCS - J'Ouvert King
1Young mother has liquid milk, old mother has powdered milkRondel Pierre
3A brighter future for TTEverton Cardinal
TTRCS - J'Ouvert Queen
1Gary say one shot, one killLynelle Pierre
2 Laura Rampersad
3If you don't laugh, you'll cryBarbara Pilgrim
Port of Spain Junior Carnival 2019
Port of Spain - Junior Carnival Parade - Babes in Arms Category
1Buck in De BushMarcus Gomes
2Zulu WarriorAres Barkarr
3Princess of the FairiesReign Noreiga
Most Original Costume: Marcus Gomes - Buck in De Bush
Port of Spain - Junior Carnival Parade - Boys (2 to 4 years)
1Apollo's Lust (Tribute to veteran masquerader and 2017 King of Carnival Curtis Eustace)Khaleel Stiell
Port of Spain - Junior Carnival Parade - Girls (2 to 4 years)
1High Priestess of ShakariZendaya Mills
2Ah Hoy at SeaS’rai Taylor
3Rastafari A Tribute to Bob MarleySariah Gomez
Most Original Costume: Sariah Gomez - Rastafari A Tribute to Bob Marley
Port of Spain - Junior Carnival Parade - Girls (5 to 6 years)
1Fire RassAriadné Augustine
2Recycled PartySophia Carvalho
San Fernando Carnival 2019
San Fernando - Junior King of Carnival
1Blue StormAaden Remy
2DingolayAntonio Rampersad
3 Peter Barrow
San Fernando - Junior Queen of Carnival
1Queen Of HeartsSherren Connor
2Pab By StormAzelia Mills
3Making WavesTaraja Brown
San Fernando - Junior Bands - School
1 St. Brigids R.C Schoo
2 Eckels Village A.C. School & Friends
3 Siparia Boys R.C. School
San Fernando - Junior Bands - Non-School
1 Anra Bobb And Friends
2 Inflate The Fun Party House and the Dye City
3 Beach Associates
San Fernando - Individuals 0-6 years (Non school)
1 Jaddeka Solomon
2 J’anna Bethel
3 Amelia Harding
San Fernando - Individuals 7-10 years
1 Azariaz Swift
2 Aharaya Julien
3 Jabbeka Solomon
San Fernando - Individuals 11-17 years
2 Faith Marcano
2 Sheldon Ross
3 Aaliyah Cooper

Senior Carnival Mas 2019
Port of Spain Carnival 2019
Overall Band of the Year 2019
... new carnival category for 2019 ...
1Through Stain Glass WindowsK2K Alliance and Partners
Port of Spain - Large Band of the Year 2019 (Geroge Bailey)
1TajThe Lost Tribe
2Let's Go TobagoRonnie and Caro
3La Belle Epoque - A Beautiful EraPaparazzi Carnival
3Mohawks MohawksShowtime Carnival
Port of Spain - Medium Band of the Year 2019 (Harold Saldenah)
1Through Stain Glass WindowsK2k Alliance & Partners
2Hidden Kingdom Tribal ExpressionMas Passion
3ImagineJus Wee and Friends
Port of Spain - Small Band of the Year 2019 (Lil Hart)
1The Great Gathering, A Tribute to AstilTribal Connection Cultural Promotion
2Spirit of EuphoriaUtopia Mas
3Cheyenne Bustle DancersCheyenne People
Downtown Carnival 2019
DT - Large Band of the Year
1TajThe Lost Tribe
2Let's Go TobagoRonnie and Caro
3La Belle Epoque - A Beautiful EraPaparazzi Carnival
3Mohawks MohawksShowtime Carnival
Most Colorful: The Lost Tribe's Taj
DT - Medium Band of the Year
1Through Stain Glass WindowsK2k Alliance & Partners
2ImagineJus Wee and Friends
3DominionExousia Mas
DR - Small Band of the Year
1The Great Gathering, A Tribute to AstilTribal Connection Cultural Promotion
2Savannah NostalgiaBelmont Exotic Stylish Sailors (BESS)
3Cheyenne Bustle DancersCheyenne People
POS Junior Carnival Results v1

POS Junior Carnival Results v2

POS Senior Carnival Results v1

POS Senior Carnival Results v2

San Fernando Carnival 2019
San Fernando - Bands of the Year
1EtherealFireworks Promotions
2A Celebration of DanceLegall & Friends
3Wakanda ForeverJust Illusion
San Fernando - Monday’s Conventional Band
1A Celebration of DanceLegall & Friends
San Fernando - Monday Traditional Band
1MninconjouJagessar Costumes
2Time and Time AgainAlvin Maynard & Friends
3Guardians of the Ogala NationsThe Nation’s People
San Fernando - Tuesday Traditional Band
1MninconjouJagessar Costumes
2A Tribute to Southern All StarsD'Jammerz International
3A Tribute to Dr Leroy CallistePan Mas Tradition
San Fernando - J'Ouvert Band of the Year
1You Can’t Play Mas and Fraid PowderPoudre J’Ouvert
2 B Man & Lord Street Fusion
3 A&K Fashion Lab
3 Jama Production
San Fernando - King of J'Ouvert
1 Joseph Coombs
2 Tyrone Nanan
3 Elton Attz
San Fernando - King of Carnival
1D Maratus (Legal & Friends' A Celebration of Dance)Marlon Rampersad
2Ya'wahe: He Who Walks In The Shadow Of The Bear (Jaggesar Costumes' Mninconjou)Lionel Jagessar Jr
3King Tchalla" The Black Panter(Just Illusions' Wakanda Forever)Ronald Taylor
San Fernando - Queen of Carnival
1She-Nan-Dowa - The Clawed Protector of the Monarchs (Jaggesar Costumes' Mninconjou)Kerina Badal
2Jungle Fever (Kalicharan Carnival's Addictive)Laura Rampersad
3Reflection Of Beauty (Fireworks Promotion's Ethereal)Rachael Andrews
San Fernando - Parade Of The Bands - Individuals
1 Jo-Ann Legall
2 J-Ann Moore
3 Wayne Mohammed
San Fernando - Night Mas
1 San Fernando Co-Operation Employees
2 B.A.D Promotions
3 Roll Call TT
Tobago Carnival 2019
Tobago Soca Monarch
1All NoiseNigel 'Mix Chemicals' Ellis
2Leh We GoDarren Phillips and Jason George (Trendsetter & Artistry)
3VengeanceCaston Cupid
Tobago Queen of Carnival
1Phoenix the FirebirdAnetta Winchester
2Pride of T&T – National PrideCandice Chang-Sandy
3Queen of WakandaLueAnn Melville
Tobago King of Carnival
1El Dorado – The Gilded OneAntonio Franklyn
2The SourcePatrick Winchester
3Carnival is ColourWinston Chadband
Tobago Female Individual of the Year
1Pride of the IsleKellyAnn Withstrum
2Floral GardeneCandice Chang-Sandy
3Queen MonarchSimone Scipio-Briggs
Tobago Male Individuals of the Year
1Egyptian- Lion God of WarDimitri Noray
2Ah we BassmanJavon Carrington
3The Red HowlerAndre Williams
Tobago Band of the Year
1Kaleidoscope We ColourzStoute Next Generation
2West lndian JungleEldez and Associates
3Solar EnergyAstra Winchester Creations
Chaguanas Carnival 2019
Chaguanas King of J’Ouvert
PositionIndvidual/Group & Portrayal
1Justin Rahaman - El Loco Burro (Junabo Productions's Whoopse Mama Mardis Gras)
Chaguanas Queen of J’Ouvert
PositionIndvidual/Group & Portrayal
1Techler Williams – ??? (Innocent Fun's - Saints and Sinners)
Chaguanas Carnival J’Ouvert Band of the Year
PositionIndvidual/Group & Portrayal
1Junabo Productions' - Whoopse Mama Mardi Gras
2iCandy J'Ouvert – Game of Wine and Jam
3Innocent Fun’s - Saints and Sinners
Couva Carnival 2019
Couva King of J’Ouvert
PositionIndvidual/Group & Portrayal
1Donald Sabala - Sting Me (Chase Village Carnival's Wings)
Couva Queen of J’Ouvert
PositionIndvidual/Group & Portrayal
1Caroline James-Bowen – Nandi Warrior-Queen (Zulu Tribe - Welcome to Paradise)
Couva's Monday Nite Band of the Year
1Chase Village Carnival - Wings
2Central Elite - Bring D Rhythm
3Creative Xpression - Mama This Is Mas
Couva's Traditional Band Category
PositionIndvidual/Group & Portrayal
1The Original Jab Jab (Ronald Alfred) - Man Better Man
2Golden Mas Community - Red Monkey Yuh Hooking Meh
Miss Central Carnival Queen 2019
1Megan Merrick
2Daniella Williams
3Aiesha Blaze
Miss Elegance: Megan Merrick
Miss Intelligence: Megan Merrick
Best Gown: Megan Merrick
Best Costume: Daniella Williams
Stickfighting - King of the Hill 2019
1Roger Sambury (St Mary’s)
2Anderson Marcano (Princes Town)
3Selwyn John (Rio Claro)
Stickfighting - Gayelle
1Princes Town Gayelle

Junior Calypso ~ Soca ~ Chutney-Soca Monarchs 2019
TUCO Juniors Calypso Monarch 2019
1Rivaldo London (Pleasantville Secondary)My Purpose
2Ta'zyah Duane O'Connor (CIC)Great Trinbago
3N'Janela Duncan Regis (Ministry of Education Port of Spain and Environs)Slave to the Gun
Junior Soca Monarch 2019 - Primary Schools
PositionCalypsonian (School)Tune
1Sekel McIntosh (Arima Boys' Government School)We Back On The Road
Junior Soca Monarch 2019 - Secondary Schools
PositionCalypsonian (School)Tune
1Sergio 'Singer Boy Sergio' Camejo (St Francois Boys' College, Belmont)Raise Up
1Sherissa Redhead (St Joseph Convent, Port of Spain)I Luv Meh Carnival
Junior Extempo Monarch 2019
PositionCalypsonian (School)Tune
1Keshorn Phillip (University of the Southern Caribbean) 
2Isiah John (Arima North Secondary) 
3Josiah Kennedy (St James Secondary) 
People's Choice: Josiah Kennedy (St James Secondary)
National Chutney Soca Monarch 2019 - Primary Schools
PositionCalypsonian (School)Tune
1Avindha Singh (Tamana Hindu)Take Your Education
2Leonidus Sammy (Exchange Presbyterian)One Family
3Dabria Baptiste (St Gabriel’s Girls RC)Stop The Bullying
National Chutney Soca Monarch 2019 - Secondary Schools
PositionCalypsonian (School)Tune
1Mackhaydon Charles (Miracle Ministries)High
2Bethany 'Trinity' Lightbourne (Bishop Anstey High)Chutney Soca Ambassador
3Adana Dardaine (Sangre Grande Educational Institute)Tribute
San Fernando - Junior Calypso Monarchs
1Help Our ChildrenCindy Ann Bigford
2Leh We CelebrateKai Anthony Salazar
3Teach The ChildrenTorique Haynes
Chaguanas Junior Calypso Competition 2019
PositionIndvidual - Song
1Gabriel Mc Donald - Madam President
2Zachary Ramsome - Wait
3Jahia Asson - Monsters Who we Help to Create
Couva Calypso Monarchs 2019 - Junior Category
PositionIndvidual - Song
1N’Janella Duncan-Regis - Slave to the Gun
2Caleb Hinds - Our Nation’s Children
3Adana Dardain - 'In the Eyes of a Child'

Senior Calypso ~ Soca ~ Chutney-Soca Monarchs 2019
Calypso Monarch 2019
1Ronaldo LondonMan's Imagination
2Karene AscheLoco and Broco
3Helon FrancisWhat Coming Next
International Soca Monarch 2019 - Groovey Competition
1Marvin 'Swappi' DavisParty Start
2Teddyson JohnVent
3Jevaughn "V'ghn" JohnTrouble in the Morning
International Soca Monarch 2019 - Power Competition
1Hollice 'Mr. Killa' MappRun with It
2Neil 'Iwer' GeorgeBlessings
3Hector 'Mr Legz' ThomasWining Challenge
Road March of the Year 2019
1Ian 'Bunji Garlin' Alvarez, Machel Montano and Gamal 'Skinny Fabulous' DoyleFamalay - 346 plays
2Kes the Band (Kees Dieffenthaller)Savannah Grass – 207 plays
Chutney Soca Monarch 2019
1Nishard 'Nishard M' Mayrhoo & Neval ChaitlalFyah
1General Imran 'GI' BeharryDivorce
3Veekash Sahadeo feat. KIChantel
Kaisorama - Extempo 2019
1Brian London
2Phillip "Black Sage" Murray
National Calypso Queen Monarch 2019
(National Women's Action Committee - NWAC)
1Natasha 'Sexy Suzie' NurseDe Wrong Name
2Sonia 'Singing Sonia' FrancisShadow’s Message
3Allison 'Warrior Empress' BernardThe You in You
Young Kings Monarch 2019
(NACC - National Action Cultural Committee)
1Brian LondonWho To Call
2Marvin 'Swappi' DavisParty Start
3Addelon 'Banjela' BraveboyBring It Back
The 103FM and Carib Beer Radio Road March 2019
1Saleem 'Master Saleem' BeharryD Doubles Man
2Vee RamDrop Low
3General Imran 'GI' BeharryDivorce
San Fernando - South Calypso Monarchs 2019
1The Wake Up AllNicholas Lucas
2FormulaDarwren Greenidge
3Silver Road To ProgressUlric Gibson
Tobago Calypso Monarch 2019
1Travel AdvisoryAlex 'Tobago Chalkie' Gift
Couva Calypso Monarchs 2019 - Senior Category
PositionIndvidual - Song
1Amrika Mutroo - Cry of a Teacher
2Selvon 'Mistah Shak' Noel - J’ourvet Demons
3Andrew Ferreira - Tribute to Women
3Mark 'D'Ladies Man' Eastman - Calypso Killers
Ken 'Professor' Philmore Calypso Competition 2019
PositionIndvidual - Song
1Brian London London - Special Invitation
2Sherma Bass - You Deserve a Crown
3Cindy Chadban - Tribute to Pro
First National Carnival Commission (NCC) Brass Bacchanal Competition. 2019
1The TT Regiment
2The Police Band
3Imij and Company
Republic Bank’s Staff Calypso Ruction Competition 2019
PositionIndvidual - Song
1Curlissa 'Soca Lissa' Charles-Mapp (High Street, San Fernando Branch) - Let's Uphold Our Legacy – Blue Army
2Jaleel 'Frankie' Frank/Darren 'Balki' Ramcharitar/Tyron 'Mr Live' Carter (San Juan) - FB Live
3Melissa Allen (Trust Services Division) - Mind Yuh Business
Best Banking Tune Award: Curlissa 'Soca Lissa' Charles-Mapp (High Street, San Fernando Branch) - Let's Uphold Our Legacy – Blue Army
People's Choice Award: Jaleel 'Frankie' Frank/Darren 'Balki' Ramcharitar/Tyron 'Mr Live' Carter (San Juan) - FB Live - RBL Soca Chutney
Best Social Commentar: Forex’s Gabrielle 'Queen G' Farley
Best Rookie Title: Forex’s Gabrielle 'Queen G' Farley
Road March Title: Adrian 'Always Kreative' Emily (Park Street Branch)
Most Humorous Troph: Samuel Sookoo (Westmall Branch)
Prision Calypso Competition 2019
Carrera Calypso Crown
PositionIndvidual - Song
1Edwin 'Kinabi' Graham - Message for de Pastor
Best Lyrics: Edwin 'Kinabi' Graham - Message for de Pastor
People's Choice: Edwin 'Kinabi' Graham - Message for de Pastor
Most Improved: Feraz Ali - Prison Reformation
Most Humorous: Marvin Boisselle - Jumbie
Road March: Terrence Delpeche - Fire Bun Dem
Prison Service’s Calypso Competition 2019
PositionIndvidual - Song
1Rodney Samaroo - This is Our Nation
Road March: Tarrence Delpledge – Fire (Bun Dem)

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