12 traffic offences that can cause you ...
to lose your licence.

Here are some offences which can cause motorists to have their licences taken away for up to a year, according to the Act:

  • 1. Using a wireless communication device to view, send or compose an electronic message while driving or having charge of a vehicle carries a fixed penalty fine of $1,000 and the award of six demerit points.
  • 2. Driving while disqualified from holding or obtaining a driving permit will see the award of 14 demerit points.
  • 3. Offences of driving instructor carries a fine of $2000 and nine demerit points.
  • 4. Exceeding the specified speed limit by 31 km or more per hour carries a fixed penalty fine of $3000 and six demerit points.
  • 5. Motor racing and speed trials between motor vehicles without permission carries a $1000 and six demerit points.
  • 6. Driving when under the influence of drug will attract nine demerit points.
  • 7. Driving or being in charge of a vehicle while blood alcohol levels exceed prescribed limit – nine demerit points.
  • 8. Failure to provide a specimen of breath or blood – 14 demerit points.
  • 9. Failure to submit breath analysis or willful alternation of concentration of alcohol in his breath or blood – 14 demerit points.
  • 10. Careless driving – six demerit points.
  • 11. Failure to produce a vehicle for inspection/Driving a vehicle without a valid inspection sticker and certificate - $1000 fine – six demerit points.
  • 12. Use of Priority Bus Route by unauthorised vehicle - $2000, six demerit points.

    Motorists are reminded that they can receive several demerits at once, arising out of one incident. For more on the Demerits Point System, visit the Ministry of Works and Transport’s website: https://bit.ly/2R0PokG.

    edited: 12 traffic offences that can cause you to lose your licence
    Darlisa Ghouralal Created : 2 August 2019 T&T News (Looptt.com)

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