Past Kitchener Surveys

Poll# 24 - My first Lord Kitchener poll redone...What is your favorite Kitchener pan tune?Out of 142 votes
1.) Flag Woman/Iron Man - 42 votes for 30%
2.) Pan In A Minor/Pan Harmony - 31 votes for 22%
3.) Toco Band/Bee's Melody - 18 votes for 13%
4.) Sweet Pan/Pan Here to Stay - 16 votes for 11%
5.) Symphony on the Street/Symphony in G - 11 votes for 8%
6.) Pan Birthday/Pan Dingolay - 8 votes for 6%
6.) Pan Earthquake/Pan Explosion - 8 votes for 6%
8.) Another tune not mentioned - 5 votes for 4%
9.) Pan Night and Day/Panorama Night - 3 votes for 2%
10.) No Pan/More Pan - 0 votes for 0%
Poll# 23 - Lord Kitchener’s Battle of Tunes from the 60s to 90’s (his death). Which is your favourite tune from each decade?Out of 212 votes
1.) 80’s - The Master At Work or The Master and The Grandmaster - 89 votes for 42%
1.) 90's - Classic Kitch - 37 votes for 17%
3.) 60’s - Kitch 67 - 32 votes for 15%
4.) 70’s - Hot Pants - 32 votes for 15%
5.) 90's - Incredible Kitch - 22 votes for 11%
Poll# 22 - What is your favourite Lord Kitchener album from the 90’s?Out of 204 votes
1.) Classic Kitch - 40 votes for 20%
1.) Incredible Kitch - 40 votes for 20%
3.) Symphony On The Street - 37 votes for 18%
4.) The Honey In Kitch - 21 votes for 10%
5.) JW Productions - 19 votes for 9%
6.) Ah Have It Cork - 17 votes for 8%
7.) Longevity - 12 votes for 6%
8.) Reflections Of A Legend - 10 votes for 5%
9.) Still Escalating - 8 votes for 4%
10.) Other Album Not Mentioned - 0 votes for 0%
Poll# 21 - What is your favourite Lord Kitchener album from the 80’s?Out of 175 votes
1.) The Master At Work or The Master and The Grandmaster - 33 votes for 19%
2.) Kitch Goes Soca - Soca Jean - 26 votes for 15%
3.) The Grand Master - 24 votes for 14%
4.) Kitch On The Equator - 22 votes for 13%
5.) Shooting With Kitch - 18 votes for 10%
5.) 100% Kitch - 18 votes for 10%
7.) A Musical Excursion - 14 votes for 7%
8.) 200 Years Of Mass - 10 votes for 6%
8.) The Roots Of Soca - 10 votes for 6%
10.) Other Album Not Mentioned - 0 votes for 0%
Poll# 20 - What is your favourite Lord Kitchener album from the 70's?Out of 110 votes
1.) Hot Pants - 26 votes for 24%
2.) Tourist in Trinidad With Kitch - 24 votes for 22%
3.) Carnival Fever - 20 votes for 18%
4.) We Walk 100 Miles With Kitch - 19 votes for 17%
5.) Spirit of Carnival - 8 votes for 7%
6.) How and Sweet - 5 votes for 5%
7.) Home for Carnival - 3 votes for 3%
8.) Curfew Time - 2 votes for 2%
8.) Other Album Not Mentioned. - 2 votes for 2%
9.) Sock It To Me Kitch - 1 votes for 1%
Poll# 19 - What is your favourite Lord Kitchener album from the 60’s?Out of 64 votes
1.) Kitch 67 - 14 votes for 22%
2.) We Walk 100 Miles With Kitch - 13 votes for 20%
3.) Calypso Kitch - 10 votes for 15%
4.) Mr Kitch - 8 votes for 13%
4.) King of the Road - 8 votes for 13%
6.) Play Mas With Kitch - 6 votes for 9%
7.) Lord Kitchener’s Greatest Calypso Hits - 5 votes for 8%
8.) Other Album Not Mentioned - 0 votes for 0%
Poll #18 - Lord Kitchener Pan Showdown #2 ...Pan in Mystery Band vs Bee's Melody! What is your favourite composition between these two songs?Out of 81 votes
1.) Bee's Melody - 42 votes for 52%
2.) Mystery Band - 39 votes for 48%
Poll #17 - Lord Kitchener Pan Showdown #1 ...Pan in Aminor vs Ironman! What is your favourite composition between these two songs?Out of 62 votes
1.) Pan in Aminor - 33 votes for 53%
2.) Ironman - 29 votes for 47%
Poll #16 - Should Lord Kitchener's residence 'Rainorama' be turned into a museum to honour Kitchener lifetime work to Trinidad and Tobago culture?Out of 84 votes
1.) Yes - 81 votes for 96%
2.) Undecided - 3 votes for 4%
3.) No - 0 votes for 0%
Poll #15 - In 1975 Lord Kitchener won the National Calypso Monarch title with his two tunes "Tribute to Spree Simon" & "Fever", which tune is your favourite?Out of 12 votes
1.) Both - 7 votes for 58%
2.) Fever - 3 votes for 25%
3.) Tribute to Spree Simon - 2 votes for 17%
Poll #14 - Which Lord Kitchener classical minor key tune do you prefer?Out of 12 votes
1.) Pan in A minor - 11 votes for 92%
2.) Symphony in G - 1 votes for 8%
Poll #13 - What is your favorite panorama tune that has won national titles? (1960's and 1970's era) Out of 36 votes
1.) Jericho (Harmonites...1974) - 5 votes for 36%
2.) Mama Dis is Mas (Pam Am North Stars...1964) - 3 votes for 21%
3.) Rainoram (All Stars...1973) - 2 votes for 14%
3.) Tribute to Spree Simon (Hatters...1975) - 2 votes for 14%
5.) 67 (Guiness Cavaliers...1967) - 1 votes for 7%
5.) Pan in Harmony/Crawford (Desperadoes...1976 & 1977) - 1 votes for 7%
7.) Margie (Desperadoes...1970) - 0 votes for 0%
7.) Play Mas/St. Thomas (Harmonites...1971 & 1972) - 0 votes for 0%
7.) The Bull (Starlift...1969) - 0 votes for 0%
7.) The Wrecker (Solo Harmonites...1968) - 0 votes for 0%
Poll #12 - Do you agree with the Government decision to rename the auditorium of the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) to the Lord Kitchener’s Calypso Auditorium? Out of 14 votes
1.) Yes - 35 votes for 97%
2.) Undecided - 1 votes for 3%
3.) No - 0 votes for 0%
Poll #11 - Do you think that Lord Kitchener should be giving a The Order of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Posthumous Award now for his contributions to music? Out of 62 votes
1.) Yes - 62 votes for 100%
2.) No - 0 votes for 0%
3.) Undecided - 0 votes for 0%
Poll #10 - As you know Renegades was Kitchener resident band, but other pansides haved play Kitchener tunes. So what was your favourite Kitchener arrangement from the bands below? Out of 11 votes
1.) Trinidad Allstars - Rainorama (1973) - 3 votes for 27%
2.) Maritime Hatters - Tribute to Spree (1975) - 2 votes for 18%
2.) Guiness Cavaliers - 67 (1967)) - 2 votes for 18%
4.) Desperadoes - Pan in Harmony (1976) - 1 votes for 9%
4.) Desperadoes - Pan Night and Day (1985) - 1 votes for 9%
4.) Pam Am North Stars - Mama, Dis is Mas (1964) - 1 votes for 9%
4.) Starlift - The Bull (1969) - 1 votes for 9%
8.) Harmonites - The Wrecker (1968) - 0 votes for 0%
8.) Harmonites - Play Mas (1971) - 0 votes for 0%
8.) Other band and tune not mention - 0 votes for 0%
Poll #9 - Do you think that Lord Kitchener aka Grandmaster should have been honored with the highest award of his homeland, the Trinity Cross when he was alive? Out of 76 votes
1.) Yes - 73 votes for 96%
2.) Undecided - 2 votes for 3%
3.) No - 1 votes for 1%
Poll #8 - Lord Kitchener's residence band was Renegades... What is you favourite panorama winning tune played by the Renegades?Out of 49 votes
1.) Iron Man (1990) - 14 votes for 30%
2.) Mystery Band (1993) - 9 votes for 18%
3.) Pan Explosion (1982) - 7 votes for 14%
4.) Pan Night and Day (1985) - 6 votes for 12%
4.) Undecided (1985) - 6 votes for 12%
6.) Sweet Pan (1984) - 4 votes for 8%
7.) Guitar Pan (1997) - 3 votes for 6%
Poll #7 - What is your favorite female Kitchener tune?Out of 40 votes
1.) Sugar Bum Bum (Audrey) - 21 votes for 53%
2.) Gee Me the Ting (Audrey) 11 votes for 28%
3.) Margie - 4 votes for 10%
4.) Slippery Ann - 2 votes for 5%
4.) Nora Nora - 2 votes for 5%
6.) Tourist Elsie - 0 votes for 0%
6.) Soca Evelyn - 0 votes for 0%
6.) Horn Me Sandra - 0 votes for 0%
6.) Lilian - 0 votes for 0%
6.) Undecided - 0 votes for 0%
Poll #6 - Grandmaster...Battle of the decades, the winning tune of the last 4 polls from Lord Kitchener's career will go up against each other...hence Kitch Come to Bed (40's to 70's) vs Sugar Bum (70's to 80's) vs Pan in Aminor (80's to 90's) vs Bees Melody (90's to his death)?Out of 50 votes
1.) Sugar Bum (70's to 80's) - 21 votes for 42%
2.) Pan in Aminor (80's to 90's) - 14 votes for 28%
3.) Bees Melody (90's to his death) - 9 votes for 18%
4.) Kitch Come to Bed (40's to 70's) - 6 votes for 12%
Poll #5 - We are in the final leg of Kitchener's career, 1990's to his death, previously the last three polls dealth from 1940's to 1989... hence what is your favorite Kitchy tune for the final leg of his career?Out of 46 votes
1.) Bees Melody - 11 votes for 24%
2.) Iron Man - 6 votes for 13%
2.) No Wuk for Carnival - 6 votes for 13%
2.) The Doctor's Daughter - 6 votes for 13%
2.) Other (one not mention) - 6 votes for 13%
6.) Mystery Band - 5 votes for 11%
7.) Horn me Sandra - 4 vote for 9%
8.) Old Time Calypso - 1 vote for 2%
8.) Twelve Bar Joan - 1 vote for 2%
10.) Arima Bobolee - 0 vote for 0%
Poll #4 - So far we had two polls was what your favorite Kitchener tune between 1940's to 1960's and 1970's to 1980's.. now this time around is the 80's era, so cast your for your favorite tune. Out of 31 votes
1.) Pan in Aminor - 9 votes for 29%
2.) Other (one not mention) - 8 votes for 26%
3.) Give me the Ting - 6 votes for 19%
4.) Kaka Roach - 3 votes for 10%
5.) Mr Sobers - 2 votes for 6%
6.) Not a Damn Seat for Them - 1 vote for 3%
6.) Soca Misinterpretation - 1 vote for 3%
6.) Sweet Pan - 1 vote for 3%
9.) Soca Evelyn - 0 vote for 0%
9.) Tourist Elsie - 0 vote for 0%
Poll #3 - The last poll was what your favorite Kitchener tune betwee 1940's to 1960's..this time we go into the 1970's.....hence what is your favorite Kitchy tune for the 70's?Out of 55 votes
1.) Sugar Bum - 31 votes for 56%
2.) Old Lady Walk A Mile and a Half - 7 votes for 13%
2.) Rainorama - 7 votes for 13%
4.) Other (one not mention)- 5 votes for 9%
5.) Flag Woman - 3 votes for 5%
6.) Ah Go Tell Granny - 1 vote for 2%
6.) Margie - 1 vote for 2%
8.) Jaws - 0 vote for 0%
8.) Lilian - 0 vote for 0%
8.) Take the Phone Out Of Me House - 0 vote for 0%
Poll #2 - What your favourite Kitchener tune from the 40's to 70'sOut of 35 votes
1.) Other tune (not listed) - 9 votes for 26%
2.) Kitch (Come to Bed) - 8 votes for 23%
3.) 67 (Sixty Seven)- 6 votes for 17%
4.) Miss Tourist - 4 votes for 11%
5.) The Wrecker - 3 votes for 9%
6.) Chinese Never Had a V.J. Day - 2 votes for 6%
6.) Steelband Music - 2 votes for 6%
8.) Rebound Wife - 1 vote for 3%
9.) Green Fig - 0 vote for 0%
9.) Tie Tongue Mopsie - 0 vote for 0%
Poll #1 - What is your favorite Kitchener pan tune?Out of 95 votes
1.) Pan in A minor - 37 votes for 39%
2.) Other (one that not mention above)- 16 votes for 17%
3.) Bees Melody - 14 votes for 15%
4.) Sympony in G - 13 votes for 14%
5.) Toco Band - 9 votes for 9%
6.) Iron Man - 6 votes for 6%

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