2004 Trinidad & Tobago Pan Competitions

Panorama Finals Single Pans
(February 19, 2004)
RankPointsBandTune – ArtistZoneArranger
1284La Horqueta Pan GrooveDe Band Coming - Shurwayne WinchesterEDuvonne Stewart
2280Arima AllstarsCarla - CrazyETerrance "BJ" Marcelle
3275World Wide SymphonyWar 2004 - DeFostoNNoel "Mico" Skaire
4274Angostura Woodbrook PlayboyzWe Like to Play - B. Sharpe/A. Alexis/A. DouglasNLen "Boogsie" Sharpe
5272Woodbrook ModernairesWar 2004 - DeFostoNDouglas Redon
6271T&T Defence ForceMusical Me - ShadowNRicardo Dennis
6271Peake Yacht Services Scrunters Pan GroovePan on the Road - SuperblueNSeion Gomez
8270Shades In SteelLook De Band Coming - Sherwayne WinchesterSCKenneth Guppy
9269Gonzales SheikersYou Never Know - RupeeNClive Telemaque
10268United SoundsThe Challenge is Minor - M Loquan/D PlummerERichard Jones
11267Pan on the MoveLack-Ah-Do - FunnyEAndre Boldan
11267La Creole Pan GrooveJamboree - Steve SealyNMichelle Huggins-Watts
11267Trinidad NostalgicIn the Corne - Johnny KingEJit Samaroo
14266Harlem SyncopatorsWar 2004 - DeFostoNGerald 'Bellies" Charles
15264Tobago Metro StarsTurn Around - Iwer GeorgeTCarry Codrington
16259St James TripoliansWe Like to Play - B. Sharpe/A. Alexis/A. DouglasNDarryl Reid
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Panorama Finals Coventional Small Bands
Fenruary 18, 2004

RankPointsBandTune – ArtistZoneArranger
1443Longdenville ClaytonesWar 2004 - DeFostoSCRichard Gittens
1443MerrytonesPan on the Road - SuperblueNDuvonne Stewart
3441TipicaMusic in Meh Blood - BlackieNHarold Headley
4430Southern Marines Steelband FoundationPan on the Road - SuperblueSCMalamo Joseph
5423Fascinators Pan SymphonyPan on the Road - SuperblueELennox "Madman" Jordan
6421Crescendoes MusicalPan on the Road - SuperblueNCurtis Edwards & Michael John
7419Humming Birds Pan GrooveSteelband Times - Candice NarineNMichael Cuipdore & Murchison Jules
7419West Side SymphonyWar 2004 - DeFostoTTony "Panjumbie" Williams
9418Mount Moriah Pan MovementHornerman Crying - ShadowSCDane 'Rosco' Hinds
10417Panosonic ConnectionJamboree - Steve SealySCSean Ramsey & Roger Charles
11414Pan EldersDoh Touch We Carnival - A. Daniel/R. Holman/Kenny JSCustace Benjamin
12412Simple SongMusical Me - ShadowEMarcus C Baptiste
This year panorama will have three winners in their new format whereas bands will be judge in three different categories: Small(35-55 players); Medium(max. 90 players) and Large(max. 120 players)
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Panorama Finals Coventional Medium Bands
(February 21, 2004)
RankPointsBandTune – ArtistZoneArranger
1458Silver StarsPure Party – Eunice PetersNEdwin Pouchet
2451Potential SymphonyWar 2004 - DeFostoECarlon Harewood
3449Valley HarpsWe Like to Play – B. Sharpe/A. Alexis/A. DouglasNMichelle Huggins
4448HarmonitesJamboree - Steve SealyEKenneth Guppy
5447Courts Laventille Sound SpecialistsDoh Touch We Carnival - A. Daniel/R. Holman/Kenny JNCory Codrington & Kareem Brown
6439Belmont 5th DimensionPure Party – Eunice PetersNBrain Griffith
7438DixielandWar 2004 - DeFostoTEmmanuel Ector
7438Parry's Pan SchoolPlay on Mr Pan Man - Selwyn “Parry” PaulESelwyn “Parry” Paul
This year panorama will have three winners in their new format whereas bands will be judge in three different categories: Small(35-55 players); Medium(max. 90 players) and Large(max. 120 players)
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Panorama Finals Coventional large Bands
(February 21, 2004)
RankPointsBandTune – ArtistZoneArranger
1468ExodusWar 2004 - DeFostoEPelham Goddard
2456Phase II Pan GrooveWe Like to Play – B. Sharpe/A. Alexis/A. DouglasNBoogsie Sharpe
2456Trinidad All StarsAh Pay Mih Dues - DeFostoNLeon Smooth
4455DesperadoesWhop Cocoyea - ShadowNClive Bradley
5446Skiffle BunchWar 2004 - DeFostoSCLiam Teague
6436RenegadesPan on the Road - SuperblueNJit Samaroo
7433Redemption Sound SettersWar - DeFostoTWinston Gordon
8427FonclaireWar 2004 - DeFostoSCDarren Sheppard
This year panorama will have three winners in their new format whereas bands will be judge in three different categories: Small(35-55 players); Medium(max. 90 players) and Large(max. 120 players)
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2004 National Junior Panorama - Junior Bands Competition
February 15, 2004
1St Margaret's Boys ACThe Big Three 326
2Newtown Boys Pan EnsemblePan Season 324
3Merrytones/Diego Martin RCBeta BetiDestra Garica & Shurwayne Winchester315
4Febeau Govt PrimaryHornerman CryingShadow309
5Eastern Boys GovtWar 2004DeFosto299
6La Horquetta NorthPan Season 244
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2004 National Junior Panorama - Senior Bands Competition
February 15, 2004
1BP Renegades Youth Steel OrchestraWar 2004DeFosto457
2Success Stars Pan SoundsPower to the Pan ManMarilyn Hunter441
2San Juan Secondary ComprehensiveWhop CocoyeaShadow441
4Woodbrook Government Secondary SchoolWar 2004DeFosto438
5St Augustine Senior Comprehensive SchoolMusical MeShadow435
6Katzenjammers YouthWhop CocoyeaShadow430
7St James Government School Dynamic ExplosionOh Yoo - Shadow 427
8San Fernando Comprehensive SchoolWar 2004DeFosto423
9Tropical Angel Harps Youth Steel OrchestraWhop CocoyeaShadow418
10El Dorado Senior Comprehensive and El Dorado Secondary CombinedPure PartyEunice Peters417
11St Francois Girls CollegeOne Family 407
12Southern Marines Steelband FoundationStop Mucking Up 405
13Signal Hill Secondary Comprehensive Steel OrchestraComing Down Jouvert 403
14Sangre Grande Junior Secondary SchoolFinger Pointing 401
15Mt Hope Junior Secondary SchoolHornerman CryingShadow399
16Morvant Laventille Secondary SchoolUp In de AirDestra Garcia390
17Arima Senior Comprehensive SchoolTurn AroundIwer George370
18St Charles High School and AssociatesWe Like to PlayB. Sharpe/A. Daniels/A. Douglas345
19Gary Strakers Pan School1War 2004DeFosto-
1 - scratch from the competition...did not play
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2004 THA Panorama - Single Pans Bands
February 10, 2004
PositionBandComposer - TunePoints
1Tobago PanthersHornerman Crying - Shadow254
2Metro StarsTurn Around - Iwer George247
3Hope Pan Groovers 239
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2004 THA Panorama - Conventional Bands
February 10, 2004
PositionBandComposer - TunePoints
1RBTT Redemption Sound SettersWar 2004 - DeFosto276
2Carib DixielandWar 2004 - DeFosto257
3West Side 245
4NLCB Buccooneers  
5KatzenjammersWe Like to Play - Anslem Douglas/Anthony Alexis/Boogsie Sharpe 
6Our Boys  
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2004 Tobago King of 'D Road - Single Pans Bands
February 23, 2004
1Tobago Panther426
2Dem Boys412
3Pan Fanatics363
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2004 Tobago King of 'D Road - Conventionals Bands
February 23, 2004
1NLCB Buccooneers404
3Carib Dixieland381
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2004 Tobago NLCB Power Jam - Single Pans Bands
February 23, 2004
1Tobago Panther256
2Dem Boys251
3Pan Fanatics211
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2004 Tobago NLCB Power Jam - Conventionals Bands
February 23, 2004
1NLCB Buccooneers250
3RBTT Redemption Sounds Setters248
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2004 Tobago Carib Bomb - Single Pans Bands
February 23, 2004
1Dem Boys240
2Tobago Panther237
3Pan Fanatics213
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2004 Tobago Carib Bomb - Conventionals Bands
February 23, 2004
2Our Boys243
3NLCB Buccooneers239
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2004 South Quay Jouvert Bomb Competition - Single Pans Band
February 23, 2004
1Harlem Syncophanters
2Spree Simon Harmonics
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2004 South Quay Jouvert Bomb Competition - Conventional Band
February 23, 2004
1BP Renegades
2Courts Sound Specialists of Laventille
3Solo Pan Knights
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2004 City Hall Jouvert Bomb Competition - Single Pans Band
February 23, 2004
1Scrunters Pan Groove
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2004 City Hall Jouvert Bomb Competition - Conventional Band
February 23, 2004
1Solo Pan Knights
2BWIA Invaders
3PCS Starlift
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2004 Down Memory Lane (Single Pans)
April 17, 2004
PositionBandTune - ArtistPreliminary Round Points.Final Round Points
1La Horquetta Pan GrooveWild World266277
2D' Original Woodbrook ModernairesYou Make Me Feel Brand New265269
3San Juan All StarsHe Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother264263
3Peake's Scrunters Pan GrooveThat's the Way it Is264263
3TT Defence ForceDance With My Father Again260263
6Nu PioneersCherish - Kool & the Gang256262
7St James TripoliansCuando, Cuando258259
8Harlem SyncopatorsMona Lisa262.5258
9Angostura Woodbrook PlayboyzTake These Chains From My Heart261256
9World WideUnconditional Love264256
11Scorpion Pan ReflectionsSomewhere Over the Rainbow255252
11La Creole Pan GrooveI Will Survive254252
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2004 Pan in the 21st Century (Conventional Bands)
April 17, 2004
PositionBandTunePreliminary Round Points.Final Round Points
1Neal & Massy Trinidad All StarsMas Que Nada264283
3Petrotrin Phase II Pan GrooveBesame Mucho267281
3ExodusLovely Day266281
5Solo Pan KnightsCup of Life265280
5Witco DesperadoesYou Lost That Loving Feeling258280
7BWIA InvadersEl Comanchero263275
8Courts Sound Specialists of LaventilleHustler258270
9TCL Group Skiffle BunchI Could Have Danced All Night257269
10Curepe ScherzandoSwearing to God256267
11Longdenville ClaytonesFantasy258265
12PamberiI Wish255263
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2004 Pan is Beautiful X
August 28, 2004
PositionBandPointsTune - Composer
1Exodus544"Overture to Semiramide"- Rossini
2TT Defence Force527"Symphony #4 in F Minor" - Tchaikowsky
3TCL Group Skiffle Bunch525" Echoes of War" - Len "Boogsie" Sharpe
4Courts Sound Specialists513.5"From Kumasi to La Trinidad" - Cary Codrington
5BWIA Invaders505"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" - Dukas
6Solo Pan Knights503"Symphonic Poem for Steelband" - Satan and Sharma
7Tropical Angel Harps490"La Mer" - Debussy
8Our Boys473"Egmont Overture" - Beethoven
9NLCB Buccooneers458"Voices of Spring" - Strauss
10Parry's Pan School454"Oberon Overture" - von Weber
11Gary Straker School448"1812 Overture" - Tchaikowsky
12Birdsong430.5"Classical Symphony"- Prokovfief
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