Trinidad & Tobago 2025 Pan Events

Pan events, dates or times or venues are subject to be changed or be cancelled without notice when this page was compiled. is not responsible for typos, accuracy, and/or other errors and omissions in the information provided by other parties. is not affiliated with any Pan Trinbago, promotions or promoters.
Wed. 1stYohan Popwell's Birthday.
Fri. 3rdRenegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
Sat. 4thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries Northern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Sun. 5thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries Northern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Mon. 6thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries Eastern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Tue. 7thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries Eastern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Wed. 8thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries Eastern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Thu. 9thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries South/Central Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Fri. 10thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries South/Central Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Renegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
Sat. 11thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries South/Central Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Sun. 12thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries Tobago Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Mon. 13thNational Small Conventional Band Preliminaries Tobago Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Fri. 17thRenegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
Sat. 18thNational Small Conventional Band Semi-Finals at Victoria Square, Port of Spain; 4pm.
Tickets: $100.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Etienne Charles & R.B. and M holds Pan Lime. at Folklore Mas Camp
36 Scott Bushe Street, Port-of-Spain; 5 pm.
Fri. 24thRenegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
National Junior Panorama Preliminaries Judging in Schools, Panyards and Communities.
Sat. 25thNational Small Conventional Band Finals at Skinner Park, San Fernando; 7 pm.

Tickets: $150; Pay-Per-Vier $15 USD on

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
National Junior Panorama Preliminaries Judging in Schools, Panyards and Communities.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Snowflakes On Steel ... Celebrating 27 Years of Pan at P.C. Ho Theatre Chinese Cultural Centre, 5183 Sheppard Ave E, Toronto; Doors open 5 pm; Showtime 6:30 pm.

Featuring: Panatics Steelband Network; Oshawa Sounds of Steel; Toronto All Stars Steel Orchestra; Afropan Steel Orchestra; Pan Fantasy Steelband along with Feature Guest: Dorielle Grant and Dance Caribe Performing Company.
Special Community Awards: Jeff Walcott; Sekwyn Cowle and Garnett Andrew.
Woman in Pan: Naz Palmer; and Tatum Prince
Lifetime Award: Winston 'Pappy' Fredricks.
Pioneer In Pan: Ken Jeffers

Tickets: Advance:$40; Door:$45 , available at M&A Discount Store (Morningside & SHeppard) 416-208-9474 and Blackhurst Cultural Center (Bloor & Bathurst) 416-901-7720

For more info; Wendy at 416-525-2391 or Earl at 416-953-0905.
Sun. 26thNational Junior Panorama Preliminaries Judging in Schools, Panyards and Communities.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Elites of Pan at #13 Hamilton Street, Woodbrook (Phase II Panyard); 3 pm to 7 pm.

Featuring: Dr Len 'Boogsie' Sharp; Dr Ray Holman; Duvonne Stewart; Darren Sheppard and Andre White with The Adan Haglry Band & Vance Humphrey.

Contribution $200, available at Phase II Pan Groove Box Office.
Mon. 27thNational Junior Panorama Preliminaries Judging in Schools, Panyards and Communities.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Tue. 28thNational Junior Panorama Preliminaries Judging in Schools, Panyards and Communities.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Wed. 29thNational Junior Panorama Preliminaries Judging in Schools, Panyards and Communities.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Fri. 31stLeon 'Smooth' Edwards' Birthday.
Renegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
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Sat. 1st1st - Echoes of Steel - An East Port of Spain Panyard Tour
Gates Open: 5pm; Shuttles Leave: 7 pm.

5 Big Bands - Massey Trinidad All Stars Orchestra; BP Renegades Steel Orchestra; Desperadoes Steel Ochestra; Courts Sound Specialists of Laventille and Pandemonium Steel Orchestra.

Free Entry; Free T-Shirt. Registration is on a first come first served bsis. You MUST registered to attend ...Register Early at HDC Carpark, 44-46 South Quay, Port of Spain.
Sun. 2ndNational Junior Panorama Finals at Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain; 9 am.

Tickets: Grand Stand: Adults: $50, Kids: $20; North Stand: Adults: $50, Kids: $20.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Tue. 4thNational Medium Conventional Band Preliminaries Northern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Wed. 5thNational Medium Conventional Band Preliminaries Eastern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Thu. 6thNational Medium Conventional Band Preliminaries South/Central Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Fri. 7thNational Medium Conventional Band Preliminaries South/Central Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Renegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
St Francis Panyard Lime at St Francis RC Church, 115 Belmont Circular Road, Belmont; 6.30 pm.

Featuring Phoenix, St Francois Girls College, St Francis Boys' College, Providence Girls Convent and St Margaret's Boys Anglican steelbands.
Sat. 8thNational Medium Conventional Band Preliminaries Tobago Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Sun. 9thNational Large Conventional Band Preliminaries Northern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Mon. 10thNational Large Conventional Band Preliminaries Eastern Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Tue. 11thNational Large Conventional Band Preliminaries South/Central Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Wed. 12thNational Large Conventional Band Preliminaries Tobago Region at various panyards.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Fri. 14thRenegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
Sun. 16thNational Panorama Medium & Large Conventional Band Semis-Final aka Savannah Party at Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain; 1 pm.

Tickets: Grand Stand: $400, North Stand: $500 Pay-Per-Vier $25 USD on

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Tue. 18thTrinidad All Stars Steel Ochestra's Kaiso Fuh So at Trinidad All Stars Panyard
46-48 Duke Street, Port of Spain; 7:30 pm.

Featuring: Trinidad Rio; Karene Asche; Church Gordon; Rikki Jai; Gypsy; Calypso Nite; Ta"Zyah O'Connor; Terri Lyons, Ronnie McIntosh, Aisley King; Candy Kay; Calypso Web; Oral Rodiguez Band and Hosted by Sunny Bling.

Tickets: $200, available at Island eTickets and at Trinidad All Stars Panyard.
For more information call 627-2127; 729-7298 ot 332-9713. Secure Parking Available.
Fri. 21stRenegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
Old Tech Steel Orchestra Presents Fryday Fundraiser at the Corner of Chaconia Avenue and Pleasantville Circular, Plesantville; 6 pm until sold out.

Fish & Fries $35 & $45; Wing & Fries $35 & $50; Chicken & Fries $35 & $45.
Sat. 222ndDesperadoes presents 15 minutes of Fame Concert Lime at Desperadoes Pan Theatre
Independent & George Streets, Port of Spain; 7 pm.

Featuring: Fire Service Steel Orchestra and Police Service Steel Orchestra, along with Live Soloist by BJ Marcelle; Noel La Pierre; Kwesi Paul; Dahshau Cain' Carlist Afram; Michael Gabriel; Zanda & Friends; Garth Sinnette, Kern Summervile and Robert Tobitt.

Guest Performances by Crazy; Lord Relator; Ms Gillian Moore along with DJ Selector George.

Admission Contribution at the Door.
Sun. 23rdNational Medium Bands Finals at Dwight Yorke Stadium, Claude Noel Hwy, Scarborough, Tobago; 7 pm.

Tickets: Grounds: $300, D' Bank: $100 Pay-Per-Vier $25 USD on

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Mon. 24thDr. Jit Samaroo's Birthday.
Tue. 25thTHA Tobago Pan Champs at Parade Park, Dwight Yorke Stadium, Claude Noel Hwy, Scarborough, Tobago.
Thu. 27thSouth/Central Pan Champs at Skinner Park, Todd Street, San Fernando.

Tickets: Grounds: $300, D' Bank: $100 Pay-Per-Vier $25 USD on

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Eastern Region Panoram Champions Zonal Finals at Larry Gomes Stadium, TBD Road, Malabar, Arima; 7 pm.

Tickets: Grounds: $300, D' Bank: $100 Pay-Per-Vier $25 USD on

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Kalomo Kings Bacchanal Thur Curry Q at 116 Pleasantville Avenue, Pleasantville; 11 am to 3pm.

Chicken - $50; Veggie - $45; Duck - $60.
Fri. 28thRenegades Panyard Fridays at BP Renegades Panyard, 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain.

Drinks Specials 3 pm.
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Sat. 1stSun. 1st Mar. - National Large Conventional Bands Finals at Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain; 7 pm.

Tickets: Grand Stand Special Reserve: $850, Grand Stand Reserved: $700; Grand Stand: $500; North Stand: $400 Pay-Per-Vier $25 USD on

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Mon. 3rdCarnival Monday Neville Jules J'ouvert Bomb Competiton at Victoria Square, Port of Spain; 4 am.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Pan on the Road; 4 pm - All Regions. (Northern, Eastern, South/Central & Tobago)

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Pan on D' Coffee - Carnival Monday Night
Starting from Royal Road to Cipero Street, San Fernando; 8pm to Midnight.
Tue. 4thCarnival Tuesday - Pan on the Road; 4 pm - All Regions. (Northern, Eastern, South/Central & Tobago)

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Sat. 8thCarnival Lagniappe (Carnival Champs: Steelpan, Mas, Calypso & Brass) at Queen's Park Savannah, Port of Spain; 7 pm.
Tickets: $300.

For further information call 235-5493 or visit or email:
Sun. 8thCourts Sound Specialists of Laventille's Cool It Down 3 After-Carnival Bus Ride to Vessigny Beach; 9 am.

Meeting at Sound Specialists panyard, Eastern Main Road, Laventille.
Thu. 26thGospel on Steel at Kafe Blue (behind SWWTU Hall), Port-of-Spain; 8 pm.
Sat. 29thRudolph Charles The Celebration at Desperadoes Pan Theatre
George Street, Port of Spain 10 am to 12 midnight.
Mon. 31st to Fri. 4th Apr.Panyard Crusade hosted by St. Charles Borromeo Roman Catholic Chuch at Exodus Pan Theatre
Eastern Main Road, St. Augustine; 6:30 pm Nightly.

Theme: "Pilgrims of Hope: Journeying together in Faith".

Speakers: Deacon Dereck Walcott; Sr. Deborah de Rosia; Msgr. Esau Joseph; Br.Winston Garcia and Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon.
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Mon. 31st Mar. to Fri. 4th Apr.Panyard Crusade hosted by St. Charles Borromeo Roman Catholic Chuch at Exodus Pan Theatre
Eastern Main Road, St. Augustine; 6:30 pm Nightly.

Theme: "Pilgrims of Hope: Journeying together in Faith".

Speakers: Deacon Dereck Walcott; Sr. Deborah de Rosia; Msgr. Esau Joseph; Br.Winston Garcia and Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon.
Fri. 18thAldwyn 'Lord Kitchener' Roberts' Birthday.
Tue. 22ndRay Holman's Birthday.
Mon. 28thRobert Greenidge's Birthday.
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Sat. 3rdPt. Fortin Borough Steelband Competition (Pan on the Move)
Streets of Point Fortin; 5 pm.
Tue. 26thComPANions Games 2025 - Sports and Family Day
Constantine Park, Macoya.
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No events at the moment.
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Wed. 2ndAmrit Samaroo's Birthday.
Mon. 14thJohann Chuckaree's Birthday.
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Fri. 1stPan Alive (Toronto Panorama) at Lamport Stadium
1151 King St W, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Doors Open at 5:30 pm; Panorama – 7:00 pm.
Sat. 2ndLaventille Steelband Festival Foundation Steel Band Parade
Success Village, Eastern Main Road, Laventille; 5 pm.

Steelbands representing communities from Port-of-Spain to San Juan will take part in the parade along the Eastern Main Road in Laventille from McAllister Street to Leon Street. Each band will briefly stop and perform at the seated VIP enclosure on the compound of Panland Steelpan Factory.

For further information on the 2025 Laventille Steelband Festival call 221-7816 or email:
Antigua Panorama at Antigua Recreation Grounds
Factory Road, St John's, Antigua; 8 pm
Sat. 9thGrenada Panorama (Pantastic Saturday Ultra) at Kirani James Athletic Stadium
Western Main Road (Cherry Hill) & Queen's Park Road. St. George's, Grenada.
Mon. 11thWorld Steelpan Day at Woodford Square, Port of Spain.
Sun. 17thPan Trinbago's Church Service & Blessing of Flags.
Sat. 23rdPan on D'Avenue
Ariapita Avenue, Woodbrook; 6pm.
UK National Steelband Panorama Competition at Emslie Horniman's Pleasance Park
Kensal Road, London, England; gates open at 6pm, competition at 7 pm.
Sun. 24thSheppy The Concert 4.0 at Naparima Bowl
San Fernando; 6 pm.
Fri. 29thNew York Panorama at Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY; 7 pm.
Sat. 30thCarib Woodbrook Playboyz's Pre-Independence Day Steelband Parade
Tragarete Road, Newtown.
Sun. 31stNewtown Playboys' Independence Brunch and Street Party
Tragarette Road, Port of Spain.

Admission: Free; Brunch: 6am; Street Festival: 12 noon; Food and Drinks on Sale.
Shell Invaders Steel Orchestra's Independence Day Sidewalk Breakfast Sale & Independence Brunch
Invaders Panyard, 147 Tragarete Road, Woodbrook.
Starlift's Independence Day Brunch
Starlift House of Music, #1 Christopher Samuel Drive, Mucurapo.
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Tue. 9thBertram "Birch" Kelman's Birthday
Wed. 17thDuvone Stewart's Birthday.
Fri. 26thTerrance "BJ" Marcelle's Birthday.
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Fri. 10thMiami Panorama at Central Broward Regional Park
3700 NW 11th Place, Fort Lauderhill, Florida; 4 pm to 11 pm.
Tue. 28thLen 'Boogsie' Sharpe Birthday.
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No events at the moment.
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Fri. 12thPelham Goddard's Birthday.
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Pan events, dates or times or venues are subject to be changed or be cancelled without notice when this page was compiled. is not responsible for typos, accuracy, and/or other errors and omissions in the information provided by other parties. is not affiliated with any Pan Trinbago, promotions or promoters.
Information courtesy Pan Trinbago and Trinidad Tobago Newspapers (Guardian, Express, LoopTT or Newsday)

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