Holiday Pet Safety Tips

Keep your pets safe during the holiday season by following the tips below:

• Keep plants like holly, poinsettias and lilies out of reach. Many holiday plants can lead to health problems in dogs and cats.

• Extra cords and plugs of holiday lights and other fixtures can look like chew toys to pets. Tape down or cover cords to help avoid shocks, burns or other serious injuries. Unplug lights when you are not home.

• Anchor Christmas trees to the ceiling with a string to keep them from falling on pets.

• Pets, particularly cats, can be tempted to eat tinsel, which can block the intestines. Hang tinsel high and securely to keep it out of reach of pets.

• Keep other ornaments out of reach of pets. Ingestion of any ornament, which might look like toys to pets, can result in life-threatening emergencies. Even ornaments made from dried food can lead to ailments. And remember, shards from broken glass ornaments can injure paws, mouths and other parts of the body.

• Put away toys after children open their gifts. Small plastic pieces and rubber balls are common causes of choking and intestinal blockage in dogs. Ingested plastic or cloth toys must often be removed surgically.

• Avoid toxic decorations. Bubbling lights contain fluid that can be inhaled or ingested, snow sprays and snow flock can cause reactions when inhaled, Styrofoam poses a choking hazard, tinsel can cause choking and intestinal obstruction, and water in snow scenes may contain toxic organisms such as Salmonella.

• Holiday guests and other activity such as fireworks can be very stressful and even frightening to pets. It can also trigger illness and intestinal upset. Make sure pets have a safe place to retreat in your house. And make sure they are wearing current I.D. in case they escape when guests come and go.

• Reduce stress by keeping feeding and exercise on a regular schedule.

Article from Trinidad Guardian entitled "Holiday Pet Safety Tips"
Published: Sun, 2011-12-25 14:03

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