Trinidad & Tobago flag Trinidad & Tobago flag Trinidad & Tobago Political Parties

Political Party


Green Party of Trinidad & Tobago (GPT&T)1

email: (GPT&T)

Honesty, Opportunity, Performance and Empowerment (HOPE)36

Trinidad & Tobago

Independent Liberal Party (ILP)18

#13 Caroni Savannah Road
Tel: 665-7809

Innovative Democratic Alliance (IDA)2,31


Movement for National Development (MND)

Diego Martin, Trinidad
Tel: 727-3588

Movement of Social Justice (MSJ)11

11A Lord Street
San Fernando
Tel: 479-1013
email: MSJ

National Coalition for Transformation (NCT)17

Trinidad & Tobago
Tel: 678-9477

National Democratic Congress (NDC)35

Trinidad & Tobago

National Solidarity Assembly (NSA)

Trinidad & Tobago
Tel: 636-2354

National Transformation Alliance (NTA)32

Mt Lambert and Eastern Main Roads
St. Joseph
Tel: 482-4279

National Transformation Party (NTP)

Trinidad & Tobago
Tel: 322-6830

Nationwide Organization of We the People (NOW)29

132 Roberts Street
Woodbrook Port of Spain
email: NOW

New National Vision (NNV)

#4 Upper Wharton Street
Tel: 687-3823

One Tobago Voice (OTV)2,27

c/o Breeze Hall
Scarborough, Tobago

People's National Movement {PNM}1

Balisier House
#1 Tranquility Street
Port of Spain
Tel1: 625-1533
Tel2: 625-1534

People's Political Choice28

Trinidad & Tobago

Port of Spain People's Movement (PPM)

Port of Spain
Tel: 628-5835
email: PPM

Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP)2,22

2nd Floor, Port Mall
Corner Milford and Sangsters Hill Roads
Scarborough, Tobago
Scarborough, Tobago
Tel: 635-2462
email: PDP

Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP)23

#10-14 Park Street & Victoria Square
Port of Spain
email: PEP

Progressive Party26

35 Chacon Street
San Fernando
Tel: 483-9022
email: Progressive Party

The Patriotic Front (PF)25

Marie Street
Tel: 288-5020
email: PF

Tobago Forwards (TFS)2,19

Tel: 271-4897

Tobago Trinidad Movement (TTM)2,30


Tobago People's Party (TPP)2,33,34


United National Congress {UNC}1,11,15

31 Mulchan Seuchan Road
Tel: 636-8145
Tel2: 636-9923
email: United National Congress {UNC}

Unity of the People

Tel: 680-6893
email: Unity of the People
outside of TnT, dial access number 1, plus area code 868
Defunct or Dormant Political Parties
African National CongressBritish Empire Citizens' and Workers' Home Rule PartyCaribbean National Labour Party
Caribbean People's Democratic PartyCaribbean Socialist PartyCitizen Alliance (CA)
Class Action Reform Movement (CARM)Committee for Transformation and ProgressCommunist Party of Trinidad & Tobago
Congress of the People (COP)6,11Curepe United People's CommitteeDemocratic Action Congress (DAC)2,4
Democratic Development Party (DDP)Democratic Labour PartyDemocratic Liberation Party
Democratic National Alliance (DNA)Democratic National Assembly (DNA)Democratic Party of Trinidad & Tobago (DPTT)
Fargo House MovementFebruary 18th MovementLiberal Party
Liberation Action PartyLiberation Organisation of Trinidad & Tobago (LOTT)Movement for National Transformation
Movement for Social Transformation (MOTION)Movement for Unity and ProgressNational Alliance for Reconstruction {NAR}
National Democratic Alliance (NDA)4National Democratic Organisation (NDO)National Democratic Party (NDP)
National Development PartyNational Freedom PartyNational Joint Action Committee (NJAC)11
National Liberation Movement (NLM)National Progressive PartyNational Team Unity
National Transformation MovementNational Trinidad & Tobago PartyNational Union of Freedom Fighters (NUFF)
National UnityNational Vision for Transformation (NVT)16Nationwide Transformation Movement
Natural Law PartyNew Agenda Party (NAP)New Beginning Movement (NBM)
Organisation for National ReconstructionOur PartyParty of Political Progress Groups
People's Democratic PartyPeople's Empowerment PartyPeople's Liberation Movement (PLM)5
People's s Partnership (PP)11People's Popular MovementPeople's Republican Party
Point Fortin Vigilante Welfare GroupPolitical Progress GroupsProactive Democratic Alignment (PDA)15
Progressive Democratic PartyProgressive Workers Democrat MovementRepublican Action Movement (RAM)7
Seukeran Independent PartySocial Democratic Labour Party of Trinidad & TobagoSocialist Alternative
Summit of People's Organisations (SOPO)Tapia House MovementThe Mercy Society
The Movement for Development and Democracy (MDD)2,14The Organization Of Independent CandidatesThe People's Voice
The Platform of Truth (TPT)2,12The Republican Party of Trinidad & TobagoThe Third Force Movement (TFM)21
Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP)2,10,11Tobago United Force/Democratic Action Congress (TUF/DAC)2,9Trades Union Council
Trades Union Council and Caribbean Socialist PartyTrinidad & Tobago National Congress Party (TTNCP)Trinidad Labour Party
United Country Group, St. Andrew-St. DavidUnited Free Movement (UFM)13United Front
United Labour FrontUnited National Congress (UNC Alliance)8United Revolutionary Organization (URO)
Unrepresented People's Party (UPP)24West Indian Independence PartyWest Indian National Party
West Indian Political Congress MovementWorkers and Farmers PartyYoung People's National Party
Youth, Organisations, Unification and Reformation (YOUR) Party Trinidad & Tobago (YPTT)20  
  • 1 - Green Party of Trinidad & Tobago (GPT&T), PNM (People's National Movement), and UNC (United National Congress) websites are on the net, please see the "government" section on my tnt links page.
  • 2 - Tobago based political parties
  • 3 - Democratic Party of Trinidad & Tobago (DPTT) party was formed in March 2002.
  • 4 - Breakaway faction from National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR) to formed Democratic Action Congress (DAC) in January 2003 (only in Tobago).
  • 5 - People's Liberation Movement PLM) - a combination of Committee for Transformation and Progress (C4TAP), National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR), Democratic Party of Trinidad & Tobago (DPTT), and Grassroots Foundation.
  • 6 - Congress of the People (COP) - a breakaway faction from United National Congress {UNC}, formed in September 2006 by Mr. Winston Dookeran, former United National Congress (UNC) member.
  • 7 - Republican Action Movement (RAM) party was formed in March 2007.
  • 8 - The United National Congress (UNC Alliance) was formed in July 2007 (combination of UNC-United National Congress; YEStt-Youth Empowered Society of Trinidad & Tobago; NAR-National Alliance for Reconstruction; DPTT-Democratic Party of Trinidad & Tobago; LFL-Laventille for Laventillians and NDP-National Democratic Party.
  • 9 - Tobago United Force/Democratic Action Congress (TUF/DAC) a political party in Tobago made up of DAC-Democratic Action Congress & Ex-PNM-People's National Movement members.
  • 10 - Tobago Organization of the People (TOP), a political party formed on September 14, 2008. (DAC-Democratic Action Congress; TUF-Tobago United Front; NLM-National Liberation Movement; NAR-National Alliance for Reconstruction (NAR); PEP-People's Empowerment Party and DNA-Democratic National Assembly.
  • 11 - People's s Partnership (PP) formed in 2010, (UNC - United National Congress/COP - Congress of the People/TOP - Tobago Organisation of the People/NJAC - National Joint Action Committee/MSJ - Movement of Social Justice).
  • 12 - The Platform of Truth (TPT) a Tobago political party formed by Hochoy Charles in the end of May 2011.
  • 13 - United Free Movement (UFM) a political party formed by ex-PNM Peter Taylor in February 2012.
  • 14 - The Movement for Development and Democracy (MDD) a Tobago political Party formed by pathologist Dr. Hughvon des Vignes in 2012.
  • 15 - Proactive Democratic Alignment (PDA) a political party launched in July 2012.
  • 16 - National Vision for Transformation (NVT) a political party launched in October 2012.
  • 17 - National Coalition for Transformation (NCT) a new political party launch in March 2013.
  • 18 - Independent Liberal Party (ILP) a new political party launch in July 2013 by former Jack Warner former United National Congress (UNC) member.
  • 19 - Tobago Forwards (TFS) a political party launch in May 2014, present leader, Pastor Terance Baynes.
  • 20 - Youth, Organisations, Unification and Reformation (YOUR) Party Trinidad & Tobago (YPTT) a political party launch in May 2015.
  • 21 - The Third Force Movement (TFM) a political party launch in June/July 2015.
  • 22 - Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) a political party launch in June 2016 by Watson Duke.
  • 23 - Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP), a new political party launch in January 2017.
  • 24 - Unrepresented People's Party (UPP), a political party launch in December 2018.
  • 25 - The Patriotic Front (PF), a political party launch in May 2019 by Mickela Panday.
  • 26 - Progressive Party, a political party launch in June 2019.
  • 27 - One Tobago Voice (OTV), a political party launch in December 2019.
  • 28 - People's Political Choice a political party launch in January 2020.
  • 29 - Nationwide Organization of We the People (NOW), a political party launch in January 2020.
  • 30 - Tobago Trinidad Movement (TTM) is led by Jermine Raymer.
  • 31 - Innovative Democratic Alliance(IDA) a new political party launched in August 1 2021, led by Dr Denise Tsoiafatt-Angus.
  • 32 - National Transformation Alliance (NTA) a new political party launched in march 2022, led by Gary Griffith.
  • 33 - Tobago People's Party (TPP) launch in April 2023.
  • 34 - Tobago People's Party (TPP) is led by Farley Augustine.
  • 35 - National Democratic Congress (NDC) a new political party launched in June 2023, led by Mr. David John.
  • 36 - Honesty, Opportunity, Performance and Empowerment (HOPE) a new political party launched in December 2023, led by Mr. Timothy Hamel-Smith.

    source: Trinidad Guardian, Trinidad Express, Newsday News, LoopTT News and Wikipedia.

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