Sada Roti

Roti background:

Roti is a very popular dish in Trinidad & Tobago where there are shops selling roti with different curry fillings (meat fillings - curry beef, shrimp, chicken or goat & non-meat fillings - curry potatoes). There are also different types of roti such as Dhalpouri, Dosti, Bus-up-shut (Paratha) and Sada roti.

Please be aware that these are Trinidad-East Indian dishes and are often quite different from East Indian dishes cooked in India.

Equipment: A suitable flat iron surface like a large frying pan, a griddle, or ideally, a flat iron plate called a 'tawah' or 'plateen' A brush like a barbecue brush to apply the oil; some simply tie a few strips of cloth to the end of a wooden stick (called a 'puchara')

Sada Roti
  • 1 lb flour
  • 4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 pint water
  • 1/2 tsp vegetable oil
  • pinch of salt

    Use large mixing bowl and sift flour into it, together with the salt and the baking powder- mix well. Knead flour mix with water into a soft , smooth dough. Pour oil into the palms of your hand and rub over dough - rest dough for 15 mins. Devode dough into 4 equal parts and shape into balls - rest another 15 mins. Heat tawah on medium fire. Using a rolling pin, roll each ball into a disk, about 1/4 " thick, making the edges thin. Put on tawah to cook sada roti- turn roti on both sides, using pot holders ( the mitten type). Toast edges of roti over fire to make sure they are cooked. Keep turning roti until brown on each side. Serve with choka and/or any curried dish

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