CurrencyTrinidad and Tobago dollar (TT$)
Time ZoneEST +1; GMT -4
Ethnic DivisionsThe people are comprised of about forty percent African, forty percent East Indian, and the remainder being of European, Chinese, or mixed descent.
ClimateThe average temperature is about 30°C (89°F).
Trinidad is separated from Venezuela by the straits of the Gulf of Paria which is seven (7) miles (11km)
Trinidad is separated from Tobago by the Caribbean Sea which is twenty-one (21) miles (33km).
Tobago Tobago, when it's known at all, is most definitely known for its beaches. From the populous, vendor-lined Store Bay, plus Pigeon Point and Sandy Point in the west near the airport, to the Windward Coast's remote Speyside and Batteaux Bay, the island's beaches have got variety (pink sand, giant turtles) and, thanks to hotels (mostly of small to medium size) facilities.
Tobago Everyone takes a boat from Buccoo to the Nylon Pool, so named after Princess Margaret, who, on her honeymoon, announced the color was so crazy-blue it looked like nylon (okay, so she wasn't the world's greatest romantic).
Scarborough, Tobago Tobago's capital, Scarborough, is hilly and walkable from end to end in an hour. There are busy docks and a daily market, stores, and bars, but you feel it's all more for the residents than the visitors—though you're certainly welcome to share. Climb at dusk up to Fort King George, built by the British, to take in the total dearth of neon and high-rises and breathe it all in. It may not last.
La Brea, Trinidad The town of La Brea in southwestern Trinidad was the first town in the Caribbean to have electric street lights.