Top 10 Reasons For Wanting To Be Trini

Things Trini Parents Say

If you're a national of Trinidad and Tobago or you were raised by parents who are from the twin-island Republic, there are some sayings that you may have heard countless times in your formative years. Take a brief journey down memory lane with these idioms and there meanings.

• I make you, I will take you out.
Many of us grew up hearing this threat. It means I gave birth to you and I'm not afraid to end you.

• Stick break in yuh ears?
Usually said to a child/children who is being disobedient.

• Friend does carry yuh, they doh bring you back.
An admonition to children so they won't fall prey to peer pressure.

• Yuh bladder close to yuh eye?
Admittedly, I've only ever heard this in south Trinidad. In each instance, it was said to a child who was crying.

• Long rope for magga goat.
Too much freedom could have catastrophic consequences.

• Gopaul luck aint Seepaul luck.
What works for someone else won't necessarily work for you. Everyone won't get the same opportunities or chances.

• Goat doh make sheep.
Usually said in reference to a child who is displaying characteristics reminiscent of one of his/her parents.

• Yuh monkey gland raise?.
Usually said in reference to someone is acting up or behaving wildly.

• All skin teeth aint laugh.
Not all smiles are genuine; not everyone who appears friendly may have your best interests at heart.

• Who don't hear, will feel.
If you disobey now prepare to deal with the consequences later.

• Monkey know which tree to climb.
People know who they will get away with disrespecting.

• See me and come live with me is two different things.
You can never truly know a person until you've lived with them.

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Things Trini parents say
Loop News, March 23, 2023 10:37 PM ET

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