Yuh know yuh is a real Trini when ... ver.6

1. You recognize the names Dave Elcock and Rennie B.

2. Your recipe for making orange juice is plenty water, plenty sugar, plenty ice and only 2 orange... and "ah pak ah red kool-aid tuh stretch it..."

3. You hate to wait in long lines, a habit you adopted from the days of pushing to get into "pit" to see a movie.

4. 'Priority' doesn't have anything to do with what you have to do right away.

5. You say "Soooo looooong" instead of "Yes, I'm done" when somebody asked you if you finished the job already ...even if you don't even know what job that person is talking about.

6. You use your finger to measure the water when cooking rice.

7. You have shares in kool-aid.

8. You hate the saying "Today is a beautiful day" from someone who don't know where you came from. "What goin on these days?" and "I jus dey" mean "Hello, how are you?" and I'm fine" respectively.

9. You think your rum and Carib beer are the best in the world and you hate it when nobody heard of them ...and you'll probably have some in your cabinet at home...wherever you may live.

10. You put ice in your beer ...and you chew the ice when you're finished with the beer. Drinking wine is too sissy ...wine is for fruits.

11. You go to the shoprite clerk and ask them " whe allyuh have de breez?" meaning "where is the laundry detergent?".

12. Just because something is called a "bake" you don't assume that it indicates the way it was cooked.

13. You either see, speak to, lime with, or hear about at least one of y our "ex's" regu larly.

14. You know that a washy-kong bears no relationship to King Kong.

15. You know about straightening, pressing, S-curls and Gherri curls regardless of your ethnic background.

16. You know someone named after either: flora:- Flora, Fern, Rose, Lily, Petal, Holly (B.) or colour:- Blackie, Blue, Pinky, Violet, Hazel or maybe even a car:- Cressida, Nissan.

17. All dish washing detergents are called "Squezy".

18. You still give people (youself included) "meggies".

19. You know of at least one person who wakes up at 4am to listen to cricket from Australia / New Zealand on the Radio.

20. You had a virus named after something popular with the times eg. Bionic, Ninja, the Hijab, the Hangman and the Sting.

21. Despite lack of interest, someone has tried to convince you of the benefits of taking a purge, or becoming a born again.

22. You can feel cold when it's 25°C.

23. No matter how old you are, you still call your parents Mummy and Daddy.

24. You call fries "chips".

25. You know what "Wukking a 10-days" is, and know darn well it's going to take much longer than 10 days.

26. You know the meaning of several Indian words, eg. "dahl", "bahgee", "channa", "bharra", "chunkae", "bowgee" and use them in every language ...and actually believe them to be the correct English terms.

27. You know that a lime is not necessarily a fruit.

28. You call little kids "po po" or "betah" and your girl / boyfriends "daahlin" or "pungkin".

29. You eat "wild meat" - stuff that some people keep as pets or may consider disgusting animals; like Iguana, Lappe, Matte, Tattoo (not the skin paintings) or Manicou.

30. You call any 'older' woman "Tantie" and any 'older' man "Uncle", regardless of whether or not they are related to you or even know you.

31. You could sing an entire Parang song in Spanish word for word, but don't speak or understand a word of Spanish.

32. You know who "Anansi" and "Papa Bois" are.

33. You can't bring yourself to using the correct "scientific" names of sensitive body parts because you think it sounds vulgar. Instead

34. You use child-like words such as "tot tots", "totie", "bam bam" or "bumsy" and "tun tun" or "toonie".

35. You love Soca and know the meanings of RAMAJAY and DINGOLAY.

36. When in doubt of how to prepare something to eat ... CURRY is the always the solution.

37. You know Trinis will curry any and everything (not just meat) even mango, fish, conch, chataigne, etc...

38. When you ask for PEPPER you don't mean ground black pepper

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