Water Purifying Information

WASA: Purify all drinking water Tuesday, June 12th 2007 Trinidad Express

The Water and Sewerage Authority has issued a tip to people to ensure that their drinking water at home is purified during the forthcoming hurricane season, as this could reduce the threats of several water-borne diseases.

In a release on the issue, WASA said following a storm or hurricane, people could disinfect or sanitise their drinking water by mixing one-half teaspoon of liquid household bleach to every five gallons of water. After doing this, the water should be allowed to settle for 30 minutes before it is considered safe for consumption. However, WASA said the bleach should be approved by the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards.

Another method for sanitising drinking water is boiling. Boiling water for five minutes will kill diseases which cause bacteria, viruses and parasites, WASA said. When the water is cooled, it can be strained through a piece of white cotton, coffee filter or cheesecloth, which will help with the removal of dirt and other particles.

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