"Dah is we Culture"

Dah is we Culture

Dey say how we Trinis
Always in for a lime
Dey say how liming on Frederick
Street started since 1963
So dah is we culture
Dey say how we love fish and bake
Roti, Dhalpuri,Conkie or Pami
Dah is we culture too
Dey say if a man horn his wife
Or a wife horn she husban
Dah eh nutten
To-pe-lo-po, to-tol-bay and drinking
gramoxone is part of we culture too

Dey say how we Trinis
At Christmas time like sorrel and
Dey say we like ham and sweet bread too
Dah is we culture
Dey say how at Carnival time
We like calypso, mas and steel band
Dah is we culture too
Dey say if on Carnival Day a woman
wine down to de ground
Or a man throw he pelvis out a line
Dah eh nutten
Jamming and wining at Carnival time
is we culture

Dey say how we Trinis
Always like to bad drive
Dey say how we accustom to driving
on hard shoulder
Dah is we culture
Dey say we accustom to reach red light
and press on accelerator pedal
So dah is we culture too
Dey say if a man bad drive yuh
Doh say nutten
He may pull out a cutlass on yuh
dah is de norm
Because dah is we culture too

Dey say how we Trinis always
like plenty fete
Dey say dingolaying is part of we
So dah is we culture
Dey say we love Carib beer, calaloo, pelau
and brown sugar stew
Dah is we culture too
Well, quite recently plenty money
was paid for a new Airport terminal
That only had gypsum board in its walls
Now some people say why bother
Well, perhaps corruption is we culture too

Dey say how we Trinis
Doh help each other with nutten
Dey say that going on all de time
So dah is we culture
But Trinis everywhere ah begging yuh
Doh leh corruption get a foothold or
become rampant
So we say "Dah is we culture too"
Leh we wave we national flag
Leh we say a resounding '"NO" to bobol
and corruption
We doh want dah as part of we culture too.

by A.N.

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